Manama | Bahrain :: April Fool’s Surprise

After six months of packing, unpacking, booking hotels, researching new cities, we decided to take a well deserved break. Geographically, we were headed west from south-east Asia to Europe, so the Middle East was the perfect place, and of course, Manali grew up in Bahrain and her parents still live there. Awesome! What can we say? We ate, slept and just vegged out on the couch like champs! To make things even more homey, our beloved pup Bailey (Note: He has taken new residence in the Bahrain Palace for the last 18 months and has proclaimed himself the new Prince of Persia) was there, excited and confused to see us!

And to spice things up, on April 1st, we decided to surprise my parents and show up at the door with backpacks in tow!  Let’s just say that it’s the first time in Manali’s mom’s life that she was speechless.  What a great April Fool’s surprise!

We had a wonderful stay, hung out with mum, dad and friends, celebrated Easter in style with our cousins, visited my brother in Dubai for the weekend, caught up on our reality TV shows and were totally rejuvenated for the second half of our adventure!

Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali+Terry are world travelers with a passion for exploration, learning new things and connecting with people of different cultures.



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