Shanghai | China :: Torrential Traffic In World’s Most Populated Country

Upon your first task of crossing a street in China, you quickly realize it is much different from home, wherever that may be…well aside from India maybe?

I’m only speculating, but I would think most madmen the world over, were first Chinese bus drivers. Some of our most exhilarating experiences thus far have involved buses and their passing attempts, flying at 50 km/H in a left lane passing maneuver with a blind curve less than 20 meters ahead. Do they pull quickly back over at the sight of the blind curve? Hell no! We ride through the blind curve, blazing with reckless abandon. I suppose the ditch to the side of the road is considered an emergency lane or something.

Despite the chaos of it all…we already feel ourselves enveloped in a desensitizing cloak, now accustomed and I dare say a dangerous sort of confidence. Crossing lanes and walkways at Tsukiji Fish Market now looks like a dream. Welcome to the jungle!

Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali+Terry are world travelers with a passion for exploration, learning new things and connecting with people of different cultures.


  1. I just got on the site! Looks like you all are having so much fun! I love the shot Terry took of the guy snoring behind him on the bus! haha

  2. This is nothing. Get ready for India! Especially if you take the road from New Dehli to Agra! You have a new traffic element there….livestock!!! =)

    • Haha, no kidding! We have actually been on that road, right after our first wedding in February, 2008. I (Terry) had just eaten some bad meat or something and took ill. I like to say I got Dehli Belly in Dehli! Anyway, it was a horrible bus ride to Agra needless to say, as I was crumpled up in pain most of the way. Crossing my fingers for good luck on our planned visit this time around.


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