Chiang Mai | Thailand :: Baan Chang Elephant Park

Heading to Chiang Mai, we knew from research and conversation that one of the most interesting things to do there was have an up close experience with elephants. That was the general plan upon arriving in Chiang Mai, but now we dug a little deeper and found three basic offerings for elephant experiences. Rescue parks were one option, but we didn’t find any that offered riding, and these were run more like reserves in that sense. You gained knowledge through lecture primarily it seemed. Secondly, there were parks that seemed to be more like circuses, advertising incredible shows and amazing tricks. We’re not vegans, but we certainly still have hearts, and this wasn’t our cup of tea either. So lastly, and being our subsequent choice, we found some parks offered up close experiences that put you in the shoes of a Mahout (elephant trainer/caretaker). You learned how to feed the elephants, issue commands through practice, take a ride through the jungle, and finally bath the elephant after a long day.

Baan Chang Elephant

Manali Riding Baan Chang Elephant

Some packages can get a bit pricey, for a backpackers budget in Thailand anyway, and we found a great value with Baan Chang Elephant Park. For 2,400 baht per person, we spent an entire day with the elephants, which included a two hour ride through the jungle. Trust me, this will be enough, as elephants certainly are not the easiest animals to ride given their girth. Also included was transportation to and from your hotel (park is a 50 minute ride outside of Chiang Mai), and finally an AMAZING thai lunch. One of these Mahouts learned how to cook from their momma, no doubt.

Manali and Terry with Baan Chang Elephants

The staff and Mahouts were incredibly nice, easy going and accommodating to all, even the children who were part of our small group. One gentleman was even kind enough to take our video camera and get some shots for us that we would have never been able to capture, which is priceless. I can’t say enough good things about this outfit.

Manali Lifted By Elephant Trunk

The experience with the elephants themselves was just wonderful. I personally felt like I was 10 years old again, and marveled at their intelligence and striking personalities. It is a rare treat to be able to lay a bunch of ripe bananas on the tongue of a beast that although gentle in nature could crush you with his foot. A small baby elephant was also in our pack, and its young nature was evident through all his actions, as he never left his mother’s side, ripped at foliage without obedience and threw cool dirt on his sunned back.

Terry Posing with Baby Elephant at Baan Chang Elephant Park

Apart from the feeding, the second big highlight for me was the bathing in the river. It is likely the only time in my life I will get to swim in a river with an elephant. For further enjoyment it was really touching to see how each elephant was overcome with satisfaction when in the water. All around us elephants waded, or rolled over sideways or flopped about through the current. Obedient to their Mahout’s playful instigation and to the laughter and enjoyment of all, each elephant would suck up great gulps of water through their trunk, only to blow out a big gust of water on any that dared to be dry.

Name: Baan Chang Elephant Park

Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali+Terry are world travelers with a passion for exploration, learning new things and connecting with people of different cultures.


  1. Love this story! After seeing the baby cheetah feeding and now the fun with the elephants, Lina and I are already targeting Thailand as our honeymoon destination. Plus we love Thai food so it makes it easy : )

    Have you seen the painting/sketching elephant on youtube? Very intelligent creatures!

    I commend your selection for this as it looks like the elephants at the park enjoy your company as much as you do their’s : )

    • Hey Sikora! Thailand for the honeymoon would be a wonderful choice! Please let us know when your planning so we can give you all the juicy deets. There are some places a lot better than others, and if you are here for a short time, it pays to spend it in the best intended places possible, depending on what you are in for. We did see the elephant performances, they had those here as well. They are amazing. We were more wrapped up in the fact that they are such emotional creatures, and they have very observable and distinct personalities. Lots of monkeys and elephants though all over Thailand to meet when you come!

  2. Finally catching up with your posts! Amazing video and pics. My parents were looking into Thailand as their next vacay destination and your posts have made it final!


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