Koh Tao | Thailand: A Diver’s Delight

Manali and I had an absolutely wonderful week in Koh Tao, all the while spending a good part of each day in the six we were there earning our Advance Open Water Diver certification. You can see more about our stay here, but I thought I would let the video do the talking for now in this post. Hope you enjoy and hope it inspires!

Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali+Terry are world travelers with a passion for exploration, learning new things and connecting with people of different cultures.


    • No cover. Wouldn't have any place for them to send most likely. Most video was from videographer that came out with us from Ban's, and some of the pool video is from Kunal's point and shoot.

  1. nice.congrates. scary for me. i enjoyed terry but sorry not inspires.thanks god it is over and you got certificate. take care. have a safe journey.

    • Yes, but Advanced Open Water is just the beginning. For the next level, I think we have to complete 100 dives, so we now have 9, and that makes 91 to go still. We'll do some in Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia….we'll be safe though! 😉


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