Kuta Beach | Bali, Indonesia :: Surfer’s Paradise

We spent Christmas on Kuta Beach this year, gifting ourselves with surfing lessons, among people wearing their swimsuits and Santa hats resting under decorated palm trees. Not a bad way to spend the ‘winter’ season! We both caught the hang of surfing after a quick pool session with Odyssey Surf School and Manali was the best in the class, standing and riding in on her very first wave in the ocean!

Kuta Beach Surf Rentals

Kuta beach is a touristy treat with beach vendors selling everything from sarongs to surfboards and barbequed fresh catches of the day. It’s the most popular place to visit on the island of Bali and is synonymous with the term ‘Bali’ itself, bordered by the quieter Legian beach to the north and the surfing friendly Tuban beach to the south. Be prepared for lots of traffic and don’t miss out the local warungs (cafés) and shops in the narrow lanes of Poppies Gang and Jalan Legian.

Streets of Kuta

Sights & Activities: Surfing is the most popular activity in this region, with the best breaks in Ulluwatu in the southern tip of the island.

Surfer Waiting For A Good Set

Ulluwatu Coastline

Transport: Cabs are abundant and cause many traffic jams, so the quickest method is to rent a motorbike or jump on board a “motorbike taxi” to weave in and out of the slow moving passages.

Kuta Beach Public Roadway Statue

Accomodation: Backpacker options are on Poppies Gang 1 and 2. Resort style and spacious rooms can be found on Legian Beach. Family friendly stays and villa rentals are on the pristine beaches are in Nusa Dua, a short drive from the action in Kuta.

Poppies Gang II

Eats: Mentionable eats include yummy local delicacies (delicious chicken satays and banana milkshakes) at Warung Camper located on Poppies Gang 1 and TJ’s Mexican on Poppies Gang 1 for some great burritos. Plenty of beach front restaurants are also dotted along Pantai Kuta and offer wonderful sunset views.

Kuta Beach Sunset

Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali Patel Bettendorf
Manali+Terry are world travelers with a passion for exploration, learning new things and connecting with people of different cultures.


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