As with all places one visits, comes the question, “Could I live here?” Manali and I have asked ourselves this question over and over, but we finally and excitedly said “YES!” to Hong Kong. Have you been to New York? Or perhaps Beijing? Hong Kong is sort of a mix between the two. Driven by strong brand conscious consumers, a vibrant business community with international reach and lots of culture, Hong Kong is truly an amazing mix of new and old. Like New York there is also some underlying intangible energy that runs through you when you are in this city.
Western influence in the city is evident everywhere you look. An interesting note is the cultural difference in Hong Kong versus mainland China. Folks in Hong Kong seem to have a more progressive mentality, and in fact seem to shun any association with China itself. One from Hong Kong is certainly not Chinese, as this might offend. They are from Hong Kong and you should know. Perhaps it has something to do with their more refined lifestyle.
If you are coming to Asia, please do a favor and put Hong Kong on your itinerary.
so proud of the two of you – enjoy the opportunity but please stay safe –
Wow – the trip looks and sounds so awesome! I love the video!! You two are awesome – happy
Thanks Betsy! Hope you are well – Go Gators! We are trying to stream the exciting games 🙂
As usual, another great post by my two roving reporters! B – your videos are, frankly, amazing. Forget Amazing Race, you two should pitch your own show to the Travel Channel – seriously!